Sunday, 30 July 2017


This blog post is going to be quite different from my normal recipe posts etc so sorry if you don't like it.
I don't even know what this blog post is going to end up as!
I spent all week thinking about what to do a blog post on for today but nothing felt right. I had so many different ideas and so many ideas written down in a notebook but I couldn't decide.
I'm having 'blogger's block' as my sister, Ailbhe, told me!


Sunday, 23 July 2017

5 Smoothies

Oh hello there! If you can't tell by now, I love smoothies. As in LOVE them! I just think they're the bee's knees! They're ridiculously healthy, a great source of nutrients and calories (you can make them as filling as you like!), and of course they're so delicious!
To be completely honest I usually never follow recipes when I'm making a smoothie, I just go for it and it usually works out ahaha! But I get a lot of questions from people wondering "How did you make that smoothie?" or "What did you put in that smoothie" etc so I said I'd throw together some smoothie recipes that are super easy to make and taste great.
I think the most important thing when making smoothies is to find what works for you and just go for it!


Saturday, 22 July 2017

How To: Build A Smoothie


Wednesday, 19 July 2017

'Social' Media

Hello there!
I know Plant Powered Human is all about vegan food vibes but I've decided that I'd like to do some chatty blog posts too (if that's okay with you!).
Hopefully this type of blog post will get you thinkin' about some issue or hopefully inspire you in some way! I'll try not to be annoying ahaha but sometimes when I go on rants I end up annoying everyone!
Let me know what ya think anyway!
And if you don't like this style of blog post please let me know ahaha, I'll try my best to make them better!
Anyway, here's today's blog post...
Enjoy x

Sunday, 16 July 2017

The Bowl


Thursday, 13 July 2017

Sparkling Lemon Cooler


Sunday, 9 July 2017

No-Bake Chocolate Avocado Cake


Sunday, 2 July 2017

Smoothie Bowls

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