Sunday, 8 October 2017

My Week In Pictures #1

Helloooo there pal!
I know Plant Powered Human is all about food and health and all that fab stuff but I don't want to talk about food all the time.
I think it's important to have a healthy relationship with food and not be too obsessed with it, and it's so important to make sure that you look after yourself physically and mentally, as well as nutritionally! (Is nutritionally a word, I couldn't even tell ya..!)


I've always wanted to do this style of blog post so yeah it's basically just a load of pictures that I took/collected during the week and that inspire me in some way.
I know it might seem a bit odd, especially cuz I love talking about everything, like I'd literally talk to a wall ahaha but I just love the impact that pictures can have! As cheesy as it sounds, the saying, "A picture says 1,000 words" is so so so so true!
I can't even describe my love for photography and typography and design and images and colours and all that kind of stuff, I just think it's all so fascinating.


So yeah this blog post is just a collection of pictures I took, music I was listening to, screenshots from Instagram, and everything in-between!
Hope you like it and that it inspires you some bit!



I hope these pictures offered you some sort of an insight into my life/brain/thoughts ahaha!
I genuinely just love pictures so so much! 
I'm planning on doing this type of blog post a few times, so I hope you liked it! If you didn't, let me know! My email is or chat to me over on my Instagram!
Sending good vibes your way.
Big love,

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