Sunday, 11 February 2018

5 Facts About Me

Hello hello hello!
How are you?
I hope life is good!
This week I said I'd do this '5 Facts About Me' blog post because since I've started my blog I've never really told you much about myself haha!
Obvs you can read the About Me page that I have on my blog to find out more about me and my approach/attitude towards food etc!
But there's more to life than food ahaha so hopefully this blog post will help you to get to know me a bit better!


1. I'm a twin

I have a twin sister, Ailbhe, and she's literally my bae like we're always there for each other and we always look out for one another!
I know that sounds so cringey but it's true!
I think you'd only understand if you have a twin, it's a twin thing!
She's 17 minutes older than me but I'm taller than her so it's all g!
Ailbhe has a pretty groovy blog called The Red Brunette where she chats about beauty, fashion, and all that jazz. I actually wouldn't have started my own blog if it weren't for her, n'aww!
She's always there for me if I have any blog-related questions and of course she's my photographer whenever we're together, I'm like "Ailbhe will you take a picture of me", she's a legend.
We were in the same play school, primary school, and secondary school so going to different colleges was weird but it definitely helped both of us become more confident and more aware of ourselves, we didn't have our other half to hide behind!!!
She's an actual legend and I definitely wouldn't be where I am today without her.
G'wan Ailbhe girl you're a star x


2. I play the viola and the piano

I play the viola (which is basically a big violin, but smaller than a cello) and the piano, they're my 'main' instruments but I can play a few tunes on a ukulele and a tin whistle if there are ever any going 'round ahaha!
I started playing the violin when I was about 7 and then I switched to the viola a few years after that. I started the piano a lot later, I think I was like 11.
I was in the Cork Youth Orchestra and I was actually the leader of the viola section (something that I'm still proud about ehehe). In the picture of the orchestra (just up there) I'm sitting up at the top in the 1st desk of the viola section, and my best friend Maeve was the leader of the cello section! That picture was taken in Italy when CYO went on tour about 2 years ago, it was one of the best experiences of my lifeeee!
Myself and Maeve actually travelled to San Diego because we got into the International Youth Symphony Orchestra of San Diego! We were there for 3 weeks and it was absolutely amazing!
I finished my Grade 8 in viola but I stopped piano after Grade 2 lol. I can still play the piano obvs, I just prefer playing pop songs and chords and stuff, instead of symphonies etc etc!
I was also in a string quartet called Rua! We called ourselves Rua because we all have red hair!

Myself, Meadbh, Ailbhe, and Niamh played at a load of events, from weddings to the Redhead Convention, and we actually performed on RTE Radio too!
Music is something I'm extremely passionate about and any chance I get to go to a concert or do anything music-related I'm like yesssss.
Music has changed my life in so many different amazing ways and has allowed me to travel the world, I definitely wouldn't be who I am today without the help of music, as cheesy as it sounds, it's true!
Here's a picture of the CYO viola section in Italy just before my last concert with the orchestra, they're all my baes, I love them to bits!


3. I'm fluent in Irish

I know it might sound weird for an Irish person to be saying that they're fluent in Irish but it's something that I'm very proud of and I love being able to speak in another language apart from English!
And lots of Irish people don't care at all about the Irish language which I find quite sad, so to be able to speak Irish fluently is something I think is quite cool!
I'm actually obsessed with languages, I just think they're fascinating! I don't want to blow my own trumpet but I'm actually quite good at French, I'm not totally fluent but I'd love to be at some stage!
I'd love to learn as many languages as I possibly can, I just think they're class, and it's so handy to be able to speak in a language that isn't English!
I went to an all-Irish secondary school so that's where my love for Irish came from, and I had the best Irish teachers so that certainly helped!
I have to say going from an all-Irish secondary school to college (in English) was a funny shift and it certainly took some getting used to!
I'd love to do some blog posts as Gaeilge in the future so if you'd be interested in that then definitely let me knowww!


4. The people who inspire me the most are...

(In no particular order!) My family, Ellie Goulding, Dave and Steve (The Happy Pear), Venetia Falconer, Gaz Oakley (Avant Garde Vegan), Ella Mills (Deliciously Ella), Jack Harries, Finn Harries, Maeve McCarthy, Michael Gannon, Leah Spillane, Holly Wolfe, Suzanna Melinn, Sally Griffin, Mary Mattern, Jack Garratt, Faoileann Cunningham, Shakira Coonghe, Damon Dominiqe, Jo Franco, Tim Kellner, Daniel Bovalino, Jess Glynne, RAYE, Roz Purcell, Anne-Marie, Nayyirah Waheed, and Elaine Condon (my bae).
There are loadssss more humans who I love and adore and who inspire me but these are all the people I can think of right now!
Okay, no offence to everyone in that list, but Ellie Goulding is my favourite human being ever!
And we have the same birthday (the 30th of December) so that's a sign from the universe that we're baes ehehe.
Here are some pics of when I saw her live at Live At The Marquee (Cork, 2015), the Roundhouse (London, 2015), and the Royal Albert Hall (London, 2017)!


5. My favourite...

  • Song: Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding
  • Colour: Yellow
  • Fruit: Banana
  • Drink: Smoothie or coffee or kombucha
  • Place in the world: San Diego or London or Berlin or Ireland
  • Movie: Amélie
  • Item of clothing: My denim jacket from Bershka, any of my Vegan Athletic clothes, and my Ellie Goulding X Daisy Jewellery X WWF bracelet (my yellow Vegan Athletic top is in the picture just up there, and pictures of my denim jacket and Ellie Goulding bracelet are just down below after all this writing!)
  • Book: The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna


So there we have it, 5 facts about me!
Here are some more pictures that will hopefully let you get to know me a bit more!

The last picture is of myself and Maeve and it was actually taken on my birthday last year, the day I turned 20!
It's crazy, I actually have some kinda cool things done in my 20 years of living!
I hope this blog post helped you get to know me a bit better!
If you have any questions give me a shout, my email is or you can chat to me over on my Instagram!
See ya next week for another blog post!
Oooh and if you ever get any ideas for a blog post or if you'd like to see more of any types of blog post, like my Chill Chats interviews or my What I Eat In A Day blog posts just let me knowwww, I'd be delighted to hear from ya!
Thanks a million for reading my blog!
You're class, genuinely!
Big love,

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