Hello hello and welcome to my 4th Chill Chats interview!
If you're new to my blog then Chill Chats is basically where I speak with cool/interesting/inspiring/groovy people and see what they think of all things food/health/life-related!
Each interview is 25 questions long (the same 25 questions in every interview) and Season 1 of Chill Chats will feature 10 different amazing humans.
Click on the links below to read the other 3 interviews:
Holly - Chill Chats #1
Michael - Chill Chats #2
Suzanna - Chill Chats #3
Sally Griffin is studying Nutrition & Health Science in college (the same course that I was doing but I dropped out of) and she's interested in health and food.
Sally is one of my favourite people ever. She's literally a ray of sunshine and she always manages to brighten up my day and she makes me laugh a lotttt. Sally also has the most amazing style and clothes, like her outfits are always so cool and groovy.
She's also vegetarian and interested in health and good food which is another thing I love about her.
And she's so kind and funny and groovy and thoughtful.
Here's what we chatted about, I hope you enjoy it!
1. Favourite fruit?
I'd have to say banana because I eat them the most, I have 2 bananas a day. But I'd say my favourite is pineapple! Bananas are like my go-to and then my favourites are pineapple or mango.
2. Favourite veg?
Sweet potato because I eat them all the time. I love roasted veg, you know like roasted parsnip and sweet potato, I love that combination. I love having sweet potatoes in different ways like mashed, roasted, in fritters, and other dishes like that.
3. What's one meal you couldn't live without?
Lunch. Sometimes I can get away with not having breakfast but by like 12 or 1 I'm starving! I feel like I have 2 dinners a day, I eat the same amount of food for lunch and dinner. I always have like a Buddha bowl type situation because I feel like that's the most filling. If I don't have lunch I get hangry!
4. Favourite time of the day?
It depends on the day. If it's the weekend and I'm off, I love Sundays at around 11am because I know everyone is downstairs having brunch and just chatting.
During the week I'm not sure, I don't really like the mornings to be honest! If I'm finished college at around 2 o'clock I love coming into town for coffee, that kind of lunch time I love.
5. What's your go-to breakfast at the moment?
I'm in a porridge stage at the moment! For the last few mornings I've been having almond milk porridge with a bit of sugar or banana. It's so simple, it probably sounds so boring but it fills me up!
6. Favourite song?
At the moment it'd be "Movie" by Tom Misch, it's just a really nice song if you're strolling around town it's a nice song to listen to.
But I'd say my all time fave would be "Firefly" by Mura Masa, it's such a feel-good song.
7. What's your coffee order?
Americano or almond milk flat white.
8. Do you have any words of wisdom or a favourite quote that inspires you?
This is probably so cliché but "everything happens for a reason". I used to not think that, I just used to think that I was unlucky, but it's funny how some situations can actually turn out for the better.
9. If you were to make a smoothie what would be in it?
My typical smoothie would be 2 bananas, berries (usually raspberries and blueberries), spinach, flaxseeds or chia seeds, and almond milk. Oh and sometimes a bit of Alpro's mango yogurt, but not all the time because it's a bit sweet.
10. If you could change one thing in the world what would it be and why?
I think if people were to be more open-minded and not as judgemental about certain things, like if people had a wider view on things. I wish people weren't ignorant to certain things going on, they don't want to hear about it. I'd prefer if people weren't oblivious about certain things and that they made their own educated decision on them.
Also, people should change with the world, you can't stay stuck in the past.
11. Favourite snack?
I feel like I'm always snacking on fruit.
Or I make a big batch of energy balls and snack on them whenever I like.
And pittas with hummus.
Oh and chocolate, I love Bournville.
I eat the same snacks all the time, I'm a snacker!
12. What's your top tip for staying healthy?
For me it's being organised by doing food prep, cooking in bulk, etc! I feel kind of on edge all day if I'm not prepared, like I need lunch! If I know I have nothing to eat, especially in college, then I'm going to have to get something that I know isn't going to make me feel full.
I actually can't cook for 1 person, so I always make a big batch of whatever I'm cooking and then I know I'll be sorted with food.
13. Who inspires you?
This is probably quite cringey again but I'd have to say my parents, I've learned a lot from them, different things from each of them.
My dad is very positive and my mom is very caring and they've taught me a lot.
My sister too, even though she's younger than me, I've learned a lot of things from her.
Also people who make the best out of bad situations and people who have gone through things but they're still getting on with their lives and being happy, I find that really inspiring.
14. What is your biggest achievement so far?
I don't know, the only thing I can think of is my Leaving Cert because I put a lot of effort into that, so I think just getting that done was a big achievement for me.
When I was younger I got a few sporting achievements so that was cool.
15. Favourite café or restaurant?
Soma obviously, I feel as if I go for coffee there at least once a week! There's a café in Monkstown, Napoli, I go there a lot with my dad, it's so cute and it feels so Italian, it's so nice.
I also love Liberty Grill and Good Day Deli.
Farmer's markets are my fave, they make me so happy because everything you could want is in one place!
16. Hummus or guacamole?
Hummus! Just the original hummus, nothing added, that's it.
17. Where's your favourite place in the world?
I don't know, I feel as if I haven't been to my favourite place in the world yet. I like going to the beach and I love the south of France, but I don't really have a favourite place.
18. What do you do to stay active?
I love going for walks and getting fresh air along with stretching and breathing, that kind of thing. I used to go running all the time. I definitely feel if you have the option to walk instead of sitting down or whatever, you should always take it!
19. If you could have dinner with any 3 people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?
Hmm I don't know! James Kavanagh, he's so funny and I think he'd be so extra at a dinner party. Faces By Grace's baby, Sienna, she's the cutest child ever! Zanna van Dijk I think she's so cool and Venetia Falconer, they seem so genuinely nice and I think they'd have good chats, with the baby too! And definitely Ryan too! (Sally's boyfriend)
20. Favourite item of clothing you own?
I'd have to say the faux fur jacket that I have, the teddy bear one with the hood, I swear to god it's the comfiest thing, I live in it when it's cold! It's so cosy and it feels like I'm bringing a blanket around with me.
I have a cosy jumper that I love too.
To be honest I just love cosy clothes!
21. Favourite dessert?
I'm a chocolate person! Anything but chocolate cake.
I love things like chocolate mousse, any rich chocolatey dessert, like something where you have a small amount that's so nice. Like dark chocolate flourless cake, I love that.
22. What's the highest percentage of dark chocolate you've ever had?
I don't think I've had 99%. I've definitely had 85% but I don't think I've had darker than that.
23. Favourite thing to put on toast?
Avocado on toast!
Or what I love doing is frying mushrooms, tomatoes, and spinach together and garlic and bit of almond milk to make it creamy. I love that.
24. Favourite herb or spice?
Turmeric or cumin, I think they're the ones I have nearly every day, easy as that!
25. Since I've asked you so many questions, what's one question you have for me?
Sally: What's your dream job?
Me: I'd love to have my own healthy café, a whole-food plant-based health-promoting café haha!
I'd love to make healthy food more accessible to people through affordable, tasty, and healthy food! And it has to be delicious obvs.
That's the plan anyway but I don't know if it'll ever happen!
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We got the most ridiculously delicious avocado toast and coffees in Soma (my 2nd home)! I got a flat white with cashew milk (I think) and Sally got an Americano. |
So now so, that's Chill Chats #4 with Sally!
I have to say a big-massive-huge thank you to Sally for putting up with me and all my nonsense, you're an absolute legend so thank you for being so lovely!
Click here to read all of the other Chill Chats if ya like!
If you'd like to contact me you can send me an email to plantpoweredhuman@gmail.com or you can chat to me over on my Insta!
Thanks so so much for reading this blog post and I'll see ya next week for another blog post!
Next week's blog post will be on Sunday again, soz I had to post this week's one today ahaha it's because I'll be in Dublin tomorrow because I'm going to see Anne-Marie in The Olympia yahoooo!
Big love,
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