Monday, 15 April 2019

2 Years Of Blogging

Hello hello hello hello.
How're you? Hope life is good.
I honestly don't know how 2 years have gone by already.
Crazy like.
I also don't know what I'll be saying for this blog post so please excuse me if I talk a load of shite.
Over the past year I'm actually really proud of what I've done with my blog. My favourite posts definitely have to be all the Cooking Vibes playlistsBooks That Changed My LifeDisconnect.PPH Guide To Cork Food, and 21 Things In 21 Years.
I don't want to sound like an absolute dope, but it's only been within the past few months that I've actually become more confident in what I'm doing. I dunno, up until recently I felt as if I was annoying people when I'd be posting stuff, but now I feel as if I've found my voice and I'm gonna say what I need to say.
I have no set plan for the next year, but I'm definitely going to focus a lot on sustainability in general (we got a planet to save, honey), how to make eating more plants seem cool (even though it is very cool anyway eyyy), and being more human (the world would be a much cooler place if we were all honest with ourselves and with each other, just sayin).
I'm also going to stick to posting blog posts when I feel that they're ready. I'd honestly love to post a new blog post every week / 2 weeks / month / whatever, but I prefer posting stuff that I feel is 100% thought through and considered and could potentially help someone else.
I have a few ideas for blog posts in ma mind atm, I'm just letting them simmer away for a while, so I'll be posting them when they're ready.
And like if you ever have any ideas or suggestions or anything, I'd honestly love to hear!
It genuinely still blows my mind that people actually read my blog like whatttt.
That's so cool like.
Like thank you so so much if you've even read half a blog post ahahaha, I really do appreciate it.
So yeah if you have any ideas or if there's anything that you want to see more of then defo give me a shout, either by email ( or over on Instagram.
I obvs have to say thank you to a few people for being so inspiring, motivating, caring, amazing, and so much more.
So a massive thank you to 
and so many other people
and youuu if you're still reading this lol.
I know I've said thank you far too much already, but honestly thank you so much for the constant support, it really means a lot. I kinda just blog to get stuff out of my head and just because I love the whole creative side of it, but it literally makes my day if someone tells me that I've helped them eat more veg or they liked my playlist and stuff like that.
Oh and whenever I'm around town and I see someone with a KeepCup / tote bag / lunch box / reusable cutlery / any-kind-of-sustainable-eco-friendly-vibe this is what I look like:
So if you ever smiling like an absolute dope it's more than likely because I saw someone who cares about the environment haha.
Okay I'm gonna shut up now, but thank you again so much, you're class.
I don't know when my next blog post will be, but I promise the next few ones are good ones.
Hope you're having a classss life, sending you massive hugs and loadsa love.
Big big love,

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