Sunday, 7 May 2017


I know it's only granola but I'm so excited to be sharing this recipe with you! It's the first ever recipe I came up with myself, I know it's basic enough but I suppose you could say it's the recipe that got me started on this cooking adventure that I'm on now!

Before being vegan I was vegetarian but I couldn't cook at all. At all.
So then one day I said feck this and I bought a cookbook! The granola recipe in it jumped out at me straight away so I gave it a go. Since then I've been obsessed with all things granola-related! I'm such a breakfast person as well so that helped even more!

As I said this is my own recipe, inspired by lots of amazing granola recipes, but still my own. To be honest at this stage I don't even call it a recipe, I just use whatever I have available to me! My granola always has oats, nuts, seeds, and raisins...that's the combination that I always go for! And to be honest I don't even measure things out. As you get used to making your own granola you'll get used to throwing in as many nuts and seeds as you like!

So yeah, here's my first ever actual recipe that I wrote, I hope you like it!
(And if you have any suggestions on how to improve it please please please let me know!)

For all the nuts and seeds etc that don't have a measurement, just throw however many you like into the mix! And chop the nuts if you prefer! (cheeky!)
Scroll down after the recipe to see how to make different flavour granola and see tips on how to eat granola!

Cacao + Coconut Granola


  • 400g oats
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Buckwheat
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons cacao powder
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil (solid, not melted)
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • Goji berries
  • Coconut
  • Raisins


  1. Preheat the oven to 180oC.
  2. In a large bowl mix the oats, buckwheat, cacao powder, nuts, and seeds. Don't put in the goji berries, coconut, or raisins yet!
  3. Melt the coconut oil.
  4. Add the melted coconut oil and maple syrup to the mixture and give it a good stir. The longer you mix, the more clusters form.
  5. Spread the granola mixture out on a lined baking tray.
  6. Bake for about 15 minutes or until golden brown and smelling lovely. It's good to have the granola as spread out on the tray as possible as it bakes much better and more evenly.
  7. Take the granola out of the oven and allow to cool.
  8. Once cool, throw the goji berries, coconut, and raisins on top and give the granola a good mix in the tray.
  9. Store the granola in a jar/air tight container. It lasts for ages, about 2 months I'd say (but I haven't checked so don't blame me if your granola goes mouldy after 5 years ahahaha!).


  • Lemon + coconut: Leave out the cacao, add lemon zest, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, and more coconut.
  • Chocolate orange: Add orange zest and a squeeze of fresh orange juice.
  • Peanut butter: Add in peanut butter when mixing in the coconut oil and maple syrup.
  • Christmas vibes: Leave out the cacao, add cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.

How to eat granola:

Eat by itself just as a snack (obviously not off the ground, I just wanted to take a cool photo ahaha!)

Add it to yogurt and some fruit

Eat it as cereal with rice milk (and some fruit if you're feeling fancy!)

Use it as a smoothie bowl topping

For me this recipe made enough for 6 days of breakfast (eating it as cereal with rice milk) and for 2 smoothie bowls (eating it as a smoothie bowl topping).
Of course the smart thing would be to keep the piece of baking paper and reuse it every time you make granola! (I do that and it saves me having to cut out a piece every week, it's so much handier than you think!!)

If you make this granola or any of the variations of it please let me know, I'd love to hear how you got on!
If you have any questions at all don't be afraid to send me an email to or you can ask me on my Instagram.

Happy granola baking!
Big love,

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