Sunday, 17 September 2017

Carrot & Ginger Juice

About 2 weeks ago I really wanted a juice, I have no clue why, but anyway I got out the juicer and came up with this juice!
I have to say 99% of the time I'll always go for a smoothie instead of a juice because they're more filling, I'm used to having one every day, and the washing up afterwards is so much easier!
But I love juices too, I think they're unreallll!
When you have a juice there's no fibre in it (which is one of the reasons I don't have juice all the time, fibre keeps you feeling fuller for longer!) but that's cool because that means that the juice can be absorbed into your bloodstream in about 15 minutes so you're getting all dem vitamins and minerals straight away!
I love juices because I find they always give me a boost, wake up my immune system, and give me a kick start!

I suppose I made this juice because my immune system wanted a bit of a boost, especially with everyone going around sniffing and coughing and spluttering!
This juice is fab, it'll light a fire in your belly, and it'll get rid of all the cobwebs inside ya!
It's a really zing-y juice so it'll definitely boost your immune system and hopefully help you avoid getting a runny nose!

You can only make this if you have a juice (sorry!), I've heard of people attempting to make a juice in a smoothie maker and it just doesn't work, soz!
I've got a masticating juicer which is basically just a fancy way of saying that it juices the fruit/veg slowly and gets more juice out of everything. This type of juicer also has a slower rate of oxidisation, meaning that the juice will stay fresher for longer!
If you don't have a juicer but still want to try this juice, I'd say go to a juice bar and see if they have a carrot/ginger/lemon juice, or something along those lines cuz it's such a refreshing and lovely juice, I really love the flavours of it!

Carrot & Ginger Juice


  • 4 carrots
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 medium-sized piece of ginger
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 apples


  1. Prep the fruit and veg whatever way suits your juicer, i.e peel the lemon/oranges if your juicer can't juice their skins etc.
  2. Juice all the fruit and veg.
  3. Serve straight away or store in a very good air-tight bottle or container for a few days.

Benefits of this juice:

  • Carrots - Contain beta-carotene (precursor vitamin A) which is an antioxidant which helps maintain healthy eyes.
  • Oranges - Contain vitamin C which is a primary antioxidant in the body which destroys or neutralises free radicals before they can do any damage in the body. The body also needs vitamin C in order to stimulate other aspects of the immune system as well.
  • Ginger - Improves digestion. Ginger has antibacterial properties and so it can help relieve congestion and cold. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve pain.
  • Lemon - Aids digestion and detoxification. Lemons rejuvenate the skin and help heal the body due to the antioxidants.
  • Apples - Improve immunity, are a source of vitamin K, and a source of potassium which helps manage the body's acid-base balance.

I got a lovely email from Jerika, a fab human working with, who told me that they found 3 top quality juicers, one which produced the most juice, one that made the least pulp, and one that was the most budget friendly. I'd highly recommend checking it out by clicking here! If you're interested in juicing at all then defo check it out as it's such a fab piece!
And this isn't just any 'ol list, they consulted with nutritionists and kitchen experts so the crew over at really know what they're talking about!
Big love to Jerika and the team at, you're all brill!!!

So there we go!
If you have a juicer I hope you give this juice a go and if you don't have a juicer then I hope you can find a juice from a juice bar that has similar ingredients!
When the seasons are changing and when the weather is so varied it's so important to keep your immune system boosted so you don't get any manky colds or runny noses!
Obviously drinking this juice doesn't guarantee that you won't get a runny nose, it'll just help your body sort itself out ahaha!
If you have any recipe ideas or blog post ideas please don't be afraid to give me a shout over on my Instagram or you can send me an email to!
Happy juicing!
Big love,

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