Sunday, 24 September 2017

My Cookbooks - Part 3

This is Part 3 of this blog post! I hope you've enjoyed reading them so far!
And if you're still reading this and you're not entirely bored yet then thank you so much ahahaha!


Name: Eat Smart
Author: Niomi Smart
About: I’m obsessed with Niomi’s ‘What I Eat In A Day’ videos that she posts on her YouTube channel, I think it’s so interesting to see how she puts food together with such amazing flavours, textures, and it always looks so nice too! All the recipes in this book are plant-based and are focused on a whole-food way of eating, yessss! The book itself is beyond beautiful, the pictures, the font, the layout, they’re all fab! Niomi includes a ‘What To Eat In A Day’ section at the back of the book which is so so handy as it shows you how to put all the recipes to good use and how to get the most out of all the recipes! Such a beautiful and brilliant book, defo pick it up if you’re interested in transitioning towards a plant-based way of eating as Niomi does such a good job of explaining everything!
Favourite Recipe: Shepherd’s Pie (Page 128) – This is one of my favourite recipes ever, it’s beyond divine!!! It’s such a hearty, warming, filling meal that non-meat-eaters and meat-eaters can enjoy together! The flavours are class and it’s just such a lovely meal. I think I love it so much because shepherd’s pie was my favourite dinner before I went vegan!
Favourite Picture: Pages 60 and 61 – All of the pictures in this book are so beautiful oh my god, it was genuinely so hard to choose my favourite! I love love love the whole breakfast spread in this picture! Maybe it’s my favourite picture because I’m such a breakfast person ehehe! And of course the kitchen is divine too, it looks very like my dream kitchen!


Name: The Brother Hubbard Cookbook
Author: Garrett Fitzgerald
About: This cookbook is literally a flavour bible! Every single recipe is filled with ridiculously exciting flavours, textures, and they all look amazing too! I actually met Garrett in Brother Hubbard North and he’s literally the soundest man ever, he’s so so nice! It’s not a veggie/vegan book but so many recipes are vegan and there are a lot of veganise-able recipes too so it’s brilliant! This is definitely the book for you if you want to explore different foods and textures and flavours, or if you just want a truly beautiful book! I’m going to sound like such a nerd but the font is brilliant, I love the fact that it’s a hardback book, and there are 2 ribbon bookmarks in the book that are yellow and yellow is my favourite colour so it’s clearly meant to be! Such a fab fab fab book!
Favourite Recipe: Aubergine Imam Bayildi (The Sultan Fainted) (Page 223) – I actually haven’t cooked anything from this book yet just because life has been crazy busy but I’m going to cook everything from this book soon I promise! I had this imam bayildi when I went to Dublin with my best friend Michael and oh my god it was classsss! The flavours are ridiculously tasty and the textures are so cool, defo a dish to try out either in the Brother Hubbard restaurant or at home yourself!
Favourite Picture: Page 1 – This book has too many beautifully shot and styled photos for me to pick one, so if I have to pick one to sum all of them up, it has to be this picture! Garrett’s enthusiasm and love for food is so clear in this picture. You can clearly tell that he loves what he does and he’s passionate it about it too. He’s such an inspiration to me too. If I’m even half as successful as he is when I’m older then I’ll be happy out!


Name: David Gillick's Kitchen
Author: David Gillick
About: I remember when I was working in Easons, the cookbook section was always my favourite section to tidy (obviously!) and I’d always flick through this book because I just loved the whole vibe of it! I’m so glad I bought it because I think David Gillick is class and I love his approach to food, nutrition, and life! I’m going to sound like such a book nerd but I love the font and the style of the book, it’s just class! The recipes in this book have meat and stuff but a lot of them are vegetarian and can be veganised if you put your thinking cap on! Since this book isn’t as vegan-ish as the other ones that I have, I mainly use it for inspiration and to get ideas on how to fuel my body before a run or after a run and all that jazz. Being a runner myself, I’m so interested and inspired by David’s thoughts on food and fuelling the body, he’s just a class man! Definitely pick up this book if you’re any way sporty or if you want to eat healthier, home-cooked food!
Favourite Recipe: Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie (Page 54) – I haven’t made much from this cookbook yet but oh my god this smoothie is classsss! I put in some vegan protein powder instead of the whey protein powder and it’s delicious. Literally if anything has peanut butter in it, you’ve got my attention already! It’s such a good post-run smoothie mmm.
Favourite Picture: Page 40 – I’m such a muesli/granola fan, I make a big batch of it every Sunday so that I have my breakfasts sorted for the week! I love this picture of David happy out in his kitchen just making his muesli! It’s such a relaxed picture, I love it! And David has a cool haircut too!


Name: Thrive Energy Cookbook
Author: Brendan Brazier
About: This book is so so interesting, it got me thinking about food in a completely different way! Being into sport myself, I genuinely read this book from the front cover to the end in one sitting! Brendan’s approach to food is so inspiring, focusing on whole, plant-based foods that fuel the body and help the body to recover. This is a super interesting book if you’re interested in sport or if you want to improve in whatever sport you do! The pictures are class and the recipes are ridiculously tasty mmmm. All the recipes are 100% vegan, and they’re all based on a whole-food, plant-based diet yesssss!!!
Favourite Recipe: Thai Avocado Refresher (Page 182) – This smoothie is class! Oh my god like! The lemongrass is so refreshing and it’s perfect as a snack during the day. Such a groovy smoothie!
Favourite Picture: Pages 16 and 17 – “Take control of your health; write your future.” I love love love this quote and of course the picture of Brendan zooming along on his bike is so cool! Such an inspiring picture that made me realise that you don’t have to rely on others in order to be healthy, you have all the power yourself! Simply fuel yourself with the correct whole-food, plant-based ingredients and you’re on your way!


Name: Deliciously Ella Smoothies & Juices
Author: Ella Mills
About: This mini smoothies and juices book is unreal, I love it! It’s mini in size but it has loads of recipes! The photos are absolutely gorgeous, and the overall vibe of the book is just brilliant! Fun fact: I’ve actually made every smoothie and juice from this book ehehe I’m so proud! I made it a goal to make every recipe and I did! Such a lovely book and it’s brilliant if you need some smoothie/juice inso!
Favourite Recipe: Carrot Cake Smoothie (Page 36) – This smoothie is amazing, it literally blew my mind! The mix of the pineapple, the spices, and everything else is just class, it’s actually one of the nicest smoothies I’ve ever made, no joke!!!
Favourite Pictures: Pages 64 & 65 – I love these pictures so much, they’re sort of behind-the-scenes pictures I suppose! It’s so cool to see Ella making the smoothies while her kitchen is full of fruit, veg, and lovely glasses and jars! I actually love Ella’s jumper too, her style is so cool! And of course the picture of Austin the dog next to the smoothie maker is just gas! Even dogs want smoothies too I suppose!!!


Click here to read My Cookbooks - Part 1
Click here to read My Cookbook - Part 2


So there we have it!
All of my favourite cookbooks!
I know it was quite a lot, even spread over 3 blog posts ahaha so if you're still reading this then thank you thank you thank you!
If you have any questions or anything about any of the cookbooks don't be afraid to give me a shout! Send me an email to or ask me over on my Instagram!
Big love,

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