Sunday, 29 July 2018

Taking A Break

I'm taking a break from posting weekly blog posts for a month.
I really want to focus on improving the things that I make/do/post/etc.
I want to improve my photography and how I put a blog post together and my design and how I come across.

I'm not trying to edit myself or my blog to the point of 'perfection', the opposite actually. I want to make my blog more authentic and genuine and real and raw. I'm not saying that I haven't been real or genuine so far, I just want to be even more of all those things.

I don't think the new-blog-post-every-week schedule is working for me. I have absolutely loved posting weekly blog posts, and having a definite schedule for my blog posts has helped me learn so much, but I don't think it's doing the job anymore. I want to take a step back, think about what I want to create and I want to focus on the direction I want my blog to go in.

I don't want to try and change the world with every new blog post, but I'd really like people to go "Wow that's cool." instead of "Oh there's Darragh with another blog post again." when they see a new post.
I know you're probably thinking "Calm down, you blog about food." and yes, you're completely right! I'm overthinking everything at the moment, so I just want to take a little bit of time, have a little think about what I'm trying to achieve with my blog, and then I'll be good to go!

And at the end of the day it's literally only an online blog, like who even reads blogs anymore!
But I guess I want my blog to be more-than-just-another-blog, I want it to seem cool & different & editorial-style & thought through & considered & interesting & inspiring.

So yeah there we go.
Watch this space, I've got some cool things planned for the future of Plant Powered Human.
In the meantime, feel free to read some past blog posts and try out some of the recipes (if you'd like to of course!) and if you ever have any questions/comments/anything at all, just send me an email to or we can chat on Instagram.

Thank you for all the support so far, I really do appreciate it.
Big love,

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