Sunday, 2 September 2018


Hello hello hello hello. It's very good to be back.
I'm feeling
ready to type and photograph and create and share what goes on in my brain with you.
I hope you feel the same!
Over the past month I've been thinking and questioning and planning.
I've decided that I'm only going to post new recipes if I'm 100% happy with them. I'm not trying to be a fancy foodie blogger or whatever. I'm still going to be talking about food and sharing recipes and telling you about cool places to eat and doing 'What I Eat In A Day' posts etc, don't worry!
I've come to the realisation that my main aim with my blog is to help people to feel more human.
We're living in a world that's so fast and constantly moving and evolving that it's easy to lose track of yourself.
If I can help people come back to themselves and not be manipulated by what society says is 'right' or 'wrong' then I'll be very happy with myself.
So yeah, this is what I've written about for this blog post...I hope you can take something away from it.


I've been trying to put what I said in Disconnect. into practice. It's been harder than expected but I feel that there has been a definite positive shift in my attitude towards life.
Since I've 'disconnected', I've found that it has been so much easier for me to 'reconnect' with myself, my thoughts, my feelings, my family, my friends, and every moment I live through.

I know that all sounds a bit much, but trust me, it's so worth it.

Stop wasting your energy trying to show people online that you're as cool as them as use that energy to show yourself some self love.
Imagine if everyone cared enough about themselves as much as they care about other people's thoughts and opinions. Allow yourself to love yourself more than you do right now. Be vulnerable with yourself. Tell that little negative voice in your head to shut up and enjoy your own company, enjoy being in your own skin.

Here's what we all gotta do to get some serious self love vibes going...
face masks
dark chocolate
going to bed early
going for coffee by yourself
not going on social media for a day
putting your favourite album on and dancing in the kitchen
inviting your best friends over and cooking them a nice meal
not inviting anyone over and cooking yourself a nice meal
baking a cake for no reason
giving people hugs
allowing yourself to be alone with your thoughts and emotions

Think of one thing in your life that you let slip, it can be anything from not exercising anymore to watching too much tv and not reading enough. It's probably something that you haven't fixed because you're "too busy" or because you feel that other people are more important than yourself.
My piece of advice to you is to go and FIX IT! Show yourself some love and fix it!!!
For me, it was my skincare routine. Basically I didn't have one. I ran out of my moisturiser etc and I wasn't bothered to get them all again. But then I went to Lush (of course!) and got a cleanser, toner, and moisturiser and now I have a skincare routine that I do every day. And I do a face mask once a week. I know that's such a simple thing but it has genuinely made such a difference in my life.

Why not fix that thing in your life or do that thing that you've always wanted to do, e.g make a big batch of granola every week, get yourself some new clothes, clear out your room, clear out your house, clear out your phone, have a monthly dinner party with your friends, watch that tv series you've always wanted to watch, sign up for that Italian course.
Whatever it is, and however 'unnecessary' you think it is, DO IT, life's too short not to love yourself.
It's time to reconnect with yourself.


I know that all sounds pure cringe but all of it was swirling around in my mind for a while so I said the best way to get it out was to type a blog post about it.
In other news, I still haven't found a 'balance' with social media but I'm after making changes to how I use it and other stuff that's helped.
Also, I'm not sure if I'll be uploading a new blog post every week. I'd absolutely love to but I'm a realllllll believer in quality over quantity.
I have some nice things planned for the next few weeks so there'll definitely be blog posts over the next few weeks.
Maybe I'll just say at the end of every blog post if there'll be a new blog post the next week? Would that work?
And please if you have any ideas/questions/comments/anything at all I'd love love love to hear from you! Send me an email to or chat to me over on my Instagram.

(Ooh and if you're wondering, I picked those two photos for this blog post because in the moments when the photos were taken I felt as reconnected with myself as I ever have felt over the past month. The 1st photo is when I was on a beach in Kerry with my best friends. I was only in Kerry for 3 days but it was so relaxing and refreshing and re-energising. I felt like a new person after the trip.
And the 2nd photo is a photo I took myself, I put the camera on self-timer! I had groovy music playing in the kitchen and I was after cooking a lovely dinner for just myself. I lit the candles on the table, ate, and just enjoyed being in my own company. It was nice.)

Thank you so much for reading this post (if indeed you still are!), I really really do appreciate it.
Thank you for putting up with me and thank you for being so lovely.
See ya next week for another blog post.
(I'm staying with Sunday @ 7:30pm to post the blog posts just to let you know!)
Big big love,

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