Sunday, 23 September 2018

My Go-To Smoothie

Hello hello!
How are you? Hope life is good.
To be honest, I actually had a completely different blog post planned for today but it still isn't done to the standard that I want it to be at yet! But it's gonna be good, I promise!

So then during the week I was "Feck it what blog post will I post on Sunday?"
And then it hit me.
The smoothie in this blog post has literally been giving me life since I've been back at college. I've literally made it every day for the past 2-ish weeks, no joke! It's so filling and it's full of fruit, veg, nuts, oats, and loads more stuff. But don't worry, it's so easy to make.
I like to call it the 'I'm-just-home-from-college-or-school-or-work-and-I'm-too-lazy-to-cook' smoothie because it fills you up, tastes class, and puts you in a groovy mood. Well, it does for me anyway.
I don't know if I can call this an actual recipe because I just do a handful of everything, so if you're looking for more exact smoothie recipes, or if you want more smoothie inspo then definitely check out these blog posts that I did a while back:
But yeah, here's the recipe, hope you like it!
Oh yeah, and you can literally substitute anything in this recipe for something else. And you don't have to put in everything, obvs.
Don't like mango? Use pineapple.
Allergic to peanut butter? Use tahini (I don't know if that'd actually work, but you get the idea)
Hate walnuts? Use cashew nuts.
Basically just play around with this recipe and see what you like and see what works for you.
But definitely the more oats/banana/peanut butter/nuts you put in, the fuller you're gonna be, so keep that in mind if you're absolutely starving!


My Go-To Smoothie


  • 100g frozen mango
  • 1 banana
  • 1 large handful spinach
  • 20g oats (1 handful)
  • 1 handful walnuts
  • 150ml almond milk
  • 150ml orange juice
  • 1/2 tablespoon maca powder (You can get it in Aldi!)
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 3 dates (or 1 Medjool date)


  1. Throw everything into your smoothie maker.
  2. Blend until smooth. (Add more liquid if you prefer a runnier consistency)
  3. Drink, take a break, and chill out.

This smoothie would be great as a breakfast smoothie in the morning before you go off to school/college/work/wherever-you-go and of course it's a great smoothie for when you come home and you're absolutely starving!
Let me know if you make this smoothie and I'd love to know if you put in any extra bits!
I'm definitely going to do a What I Eat In A Day blog post soon. I'm going to call it a 'College Edition' WIEIAD because I want it to reflect what I eat during a busy day of college. I'm still playing around with lunches/dinners for during the week, but as soon as I have some sort of routine then I'll definitely share it with you and hopefully I'll have some good food tips to share with you!
Sorry if this blog post wasn't too exciting hahaha, I just wanted to share this smoothie with you cuz it's been saving me every day when I come home from college!
I know I keep saying it but the next few blog posts I've got planned are super groovy and I can't wait to share them with you. I don't have any of them done yet but I just know they're gonna be cool!
Thank you so much for reading this week's blog post.
I'll see ya next week for another post!
And if you have any questions/comments/anything-at-all just give me a shout to or we can chat on Instagram!
Big love,

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