Sunday, 30 September 2018

OOOTD: Plant Powered Human X The Red Brunette

Hello hello!
Hope life is good.
In case you don't know, I have a twin sister, her name is Ailbhe and she has a blog too. It's called The Red Brunette and she blogs all about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and travel. It's cool, you should definitely check it out if you haven't done so already.
Myself and Ailbhe wanted to do a collab on our blogs for aaages but we couldn't think of what to do.
But we finally did it! Ailbhe posted a blog post over on The Red Brunette all about outfits for college.
Click here to check out the post and let me know what you think of my outfits too ahaha!
In this collab we'll be showing you that wearing your old clothes is 100% okay and can actually be really cool.
I'd like to consider myself to be an environmentalist but I only realised recently enough the drastic impact that the (fast) fashion industry has on our planet.
In case you've been living under a rock, an OOTD means 'Outfit Of The Day', and then an OOOTD means 'Old Outfit Of The Day'.
I first saw the #OOOTD being used by the queen of sustainability and environmentalism and eco-fashun, Venetia Falconer. She's literally the coolest person ever who does all she can to make the planet, and everyone living on it, a better place.
If you're interested in saving the world, one vintage t-shirt at a time, I'd highly recommend that you check out Venetia's YouTube channel and especially this video to help you understand how large this problem really is.
And I'd recommend that you watch The True Cost, a documentary about the impact of the fast fashion industry, and Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things, a documentary about minimalism and how to live better with less. Both of those documentaries are in my top 5 of the best documentaries to watch to change your life (in my opinion!)
So yeah, here are our OOOTD's, where our clothes are from and when they're from (i.e what year they were bought in). And there'll be a good bitta chatting from myself and Ailbhe throughout the blog post all about fashion/clothes/etc!
Denim jacket - Bershka (2015)
T-shirt - Ellie Goulding (2014) - My favourite t-shirt ever
Jeans - Asos (2016)
Shoes - Nike (2015)
Necklace - Amsterdam
Jacket - Vintage
Top - River Island
Jeans - River Island
Boots - Dunnes (2015)
Watch - Vintage
Ailbhe talking about re-wearing clothes:
We live in a society where people think they can't wear an outfit more than once especially when it comes to an occasion, and panic buying new clothes for a night out has happened to us all.
Being able to build a wardrobe with key pieces that you can interchange and re-wear differently means you won't end up in the 'I-have-nothing-to-wear-and-need-to-buy-something-new' mindset.
When it comes to re-wearing something, pair the item with different accessories, like hairstyle and makeup, and it can completely change the look. Neutral items are the easiest way to do this.
Don't think about what you can wear with a certain piece for the next night out, think if you can wear it for different occasions and whether you will get more than one wear out of it. That'll help the environment and your bank account.
Shirt - Penneys (2011)
Top - Next (2011)
Jeans - Asos
Boots - Doc Martens (Vegan) (2015)
Cardigan - Vintage
T-shirt - Penneys (2016)
Jeans - River Island
Shoes - Vans (2017)
Long necklace - Vintage
Short necklace - Penneys
Darragh talking about minimalism and conscious consumerism:
I don't know if I can call myself a minimalist but I'm really into minimalism and the idea of simplifying your life. And what's the best place to minimise...your wardrobe! If you've never heard of minimalism, it's basically all about living your life by consuming/using less. It's not depriving yourself of anything, in fact, it makes you realise what the most important things in your life are.
Okay that sounds pure cheesy but hear me out.
Let's take, for example, your wardrobe.
Would you prefer to have a messy wardrobe packed with clothes everywhere/old clothes/smelly and dirty clothes/t-shirts with the tags still on them cuz they never left the wardrobe since you bought them cuz you forgot about them/40 different belts/23 hats/9 winter coats/etc or would you prefer a tidy wardrobe filled with your all of your favourite clothes, nothing extra, and nothing unnecessary?
Minimalism really makes you realise what you need and what you don't.
And this is where conscious consumerism comes in...when you've realised what you really need, you begin to realise that you don't need to buy new things (yes, like that cool t-shirt you saw on the model in Topman).
And then when you don't need to buy new things, not only do you save yourself money, you're also saving the environment cuz you're not supplying those fast fashion companies with the demand to make more unethical clothes. It's a win-win situation.
I'm not saying that you're not allowed to buy new clothes.
I'm not saying that you're not allowed to throw out old clothes if you don't like them anymore.
I'm just sayin' that we should all be more mindful of any new clothes that we buy and we should consider the environmental and ethical impact they have before we make the purchase.
Hat - Berlin
Jumper - Dunnes (2013)
T-shirt - Penneys (2011)
Jeans - Topman (2014)
Shoes - Toms (2017)
Blouse - Vintage
Jeans - Topshop (2017)
Belt - Penneys
Boots - Dunnes (2015)
Watch - Vintage
Here are some tips from myself and Ailbhe about eco-fashion:
  1. It's 1000000% okay to re-wear your clothes (obvs).
  2. Keep it simple when you're styling vintage clothes.
  3. Work with what you already have.
  4. Check out your local charity shops & vintage shops & markets for groovy clothes.
  5. Swap clothes with your friends.
  6. Support small, local businesses if you know anyone who makes clothes.
  7. It's easier to re-wear clothes if you've got good staples in your wardrobe already, stuff like a denim jacket/plain t-shirts/good jeans/good shoes/etc.
  8. Don't support fast fashion, as much as possible.
  9. If something rips/breaks/tears don't just throw it out, fix it!
  10. Invest in quality clothes instead of poor quality clothes that won't last very long.
Ooh and if you're looking for new clothes, make sure to check out these brands/businesses/companies because they're much more environmentally-friendly and more ethical and just classssss:


So there we have it!
I really hope you liked reading this blog post as much as myself and Ailbhe liked coming up with the idea and taking all the photos and stuff!
Defo let me know if you have any eco-hacks when it comes to clothes and all-things-fashion, and if you have any cool OOOTD's I'd love to hear, give me a shout via email to or chat to me over on my Instagram!
Thank you so so much for reading.
I really do appreciate it.
I'll see ya next week for another blog post!
Big love,

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