Friday, 21 June 2019

Cooking Vibes PRIDE. Edition 2.0

Yo yo yo yo hope your summer is rockin and your Pride Month is as zesty as you are.
I was so nervous posting my first PRIDE. Edition playlist last year but now I'm like fuck it life's too short to worry!
Over the past few months I've really become a lot more comfortable in my own skin which is cool. Obviously I'm still learning about who I am, but I think even this time last year I wanted to put myself a box and say I'm 'X' or 'Y' etc, but now I'm a lot happier kinda seeing what life has in store ya know. Which I guess translates to if you have a KeepCup and care about the environment then I'll more than likely want to marry you hahahaha.
I could talk about so many different things in this blog post, and I guess I'm more confident to talk about stuff like this, but I guess the main message I hope you take away from this is that self-acceptance really is key to self-love and living the life you deserve.
When I knew that I like both men and women I kinda didn't think about it and pretended that there was nothing to think about. It actually took me a while to say it out loud to myself. The second I accepted myself was the second something clicked and things started to fall into place.
If you're not sure about who you are or questioning your sexuality etc, take time for yourself to think, reflect, and meditate. Honestly, be your own best friend and allow yourself to be open, vulnerable, and honest with yourself.
Don't rush anything.
Allow yourself to breathe.
And whatever you discover, acknowledge it and accept yourself for who you are.
I'm so thankful for my family and friends who've been so accepting and lovely. I understand it's not easy for everyone so my advice is to take things at your own pace and be easy on yourself.
For ages I felt 'too gay' to be straight and 'too straight' to be gay, but now I'm happy bein whatever, just chilling and enjoying life.
So yeah once you're comfortable with yourself then it's time to boogie!
Honestly I could talk for dayzzzz haha but here's the playlist before you get bored!
These are all artists who identify as LGBT+, I think it's so important to remember that we're all human and despite all the labels etc it's so cool how music can bring us all together and I think that's just class like.


Click here to find all the Cooking Vibes playlists.


Click here to listen to Cooking Vibes PRIDE. Edition 2.0 on Spotify.
  • One Touch - Jess Glynne & Jax Jones
  • Trigger - Anne-Marie
  • Desire - Years & Years
  • Only Forever - Demi Lovato
  • My My My! - Troye Sivan
  • Forrest Gump - Frank Ocean
  • Learn To Let Go - Kesha
  • Shine Ya Light - Rita Ora
  • Perfect To Me - Anne-Marie
  • Like A Girl - Lizzo
  • I Need To Know - Tim Chadwick
  • Valentino - Years & Years and MNEK
  • Really Don't Care - Demi Lovato
  • Have It All - Jason Mraz
  • Mother's Daughter - Miley Cyrus
  • Soulmate - Lizzo
  • Seventeen - Troye Sivan
  • Pink + White - Frank Ocean
  • 123 - Jess Glynne
  • Your Song - Rita Ora
Also, I know I don't look too impressed in my pictures hahahaha, I promise I was! I was vibing to some tunes I had playing lol.


Here are some cool humans I follow on Instagram who are all really cool for all different reasons and what they all have in common is that they're all authentically themselves. They inspire me every day so defo check them out if you're interested.


I hope you liked this blog post and please take away this message: straight, gay, bi, whatever you are, love yourself love yourself love yourself and then spread your love to everyone you meet.
I know it's so cheesy but everyone's on their own journey, you never know what anyone else is going through, so if everyone gave a little bit more love to each other I think the world we be a much groovier place.
Love ya love ya love ya if you're still reading this! I could go on for ages haha, thank you for listening to me ramble as per usual.
If you'd like to get in touch you can send me an email to or you can say hello over on my Instagram!
Big love,

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