Sunday, 2 June 2019

Q & A

Hello hello hello hello!
Hope life is zesty.
I always wanted to do a Q & A blog post so I was like after 2 years I feel it's time lol.
I was at Anne-Marie in the 3Arena last night and she was unreal, I've got her album blaring in my ears and a smoothie next to me so we're good to go.
Also, massive shoutout to this fab soul who said hello at the concert yesterday! I'm so sorry, I never got your name and I hope it's okay that you're on the blog, let me know if you see this haha! Thank you so much for being so lovey, it really motivates me to keep bloggin and doin what I do! Big love x
Let's get into the ol questions and answers eyyyy.
Also, massive thank you to everyone for the questions, thank god ye had questions to ask aaaahaha. I hope I answer them properly.


What's your favourite meal to eat out and your favourite meal to cook at home?
When I go for food I normally get something that I wouldn't typically cook at home, nothing crazy like, but I like experimenting and seeing what's around. My favourite dish that I always go back to is the San Fran salad from Liberty Grill, it's like sweet chilli tempeh and quinoa and lovely fresh veg. I know it's a salad but oh my god it's so class.
My favourite meal to cook at home is definitely a veggie chilli with sweet potato, black beans, spinach, and anything else that I can find in the kitchen. Served with brown rice and a big dollop of hummus. Yesss.

What's your favourite focal as Gaeilge?
(Just in case you're not Irish it's what's your favourite word in Irish haha)
I don't actually know! Like in French I just love the way the words trousse (pencil case), jupe (skirt), and oiseau (bird) sound, a bit random I know hahaha.
But in Irish I actually don't know.
I love the way certain words sound but then I love the meaning that other words have like.
Okay I'm gonna have to be pure cheesy and go with dair because that's the Irish for oak and it's where my name comes from (Darragh means oak).
But I must make a list of all the Irish words I love and I'll get back to you, question-asker!

Where are your favourite places to pick up sustainable clothing and what are your favourite sustainable clothing brands?
This might sound a bit weird but I don't really buy that many new clothes, but whenever I'm in the mood for something 'new' I'll always check out a few charity shops (Oxfam on Cook Street in town always have nice bits), I'll try and get to a clothes swap that's on near me, or else I'll steal something from my brother's wardrobe and wear it (thank you, Niall).
I've also just started using Depop which is really really vibey and there's some class stuff on it (all secondhand / vintage), I bought a jumper on it last week so I'll see how long it takes to arrive haha, I'll keep you updated.
In terms of sustainable brands, I'm so passionate about Vegan Athletic and Patagonia. I think what both companies are doing is absolutely amazing and the quality of their products is unbelievable. Their stuff is more expensive than the same products you can get from fast fashion companies, but it's so much better in the long run. Defo check them out if you're interested!
Best flat white in Cork (with oat / almond / coconut milk)?
Okay so I'm not a coffee expert at all at all, but personally my go-to place to get a lovely flat white is SomaGood Day DeliThe Bookshelf, or Alchemy.
You can't beat a good oat milk flat white.

What's been your best / favourite moment of this year so far?
Jeeez that's a tough one. I dunno, I feel 2019 has been wild so far but in the best way possible. I honestly feel as if I'm living and trying to be as authentically myself as possible which is class.
Okay that got deep.
But I'd say getting back running and getting stronger and feeling healthier has been the best overall feeling of the year so far.

What's the best advice you've ever been given?
Okay I haven't given myself enough time to think about who / what / where / when, but one thing I've learned for sure is to just fuckin go for it.
Life's too short ya know.
Obviously think things through and don't do dangerous or stupid things.
But also life is short, do what you wanna do.
What's your favourite meal at the moment?
I don't know why but I automatically thought of a savoury meal but oh my god I've been living off big bowls of oats lately hahaha they're so savage.
Literally just a big bowl of oats, rice milk (or whatever plant milk is in the fridge), a handful of nuts and seeds, cacao nibs, a few dates, and a big dollop of peanut butter.

Hi Darragh.
Hi Maeve.

What is your go to café in Cork atm?
I'm going through such an Alchemy phase at the moment omg I love everything about the place, it's class!
I was there a while ago and they had Ariana Grande's 'Dangerous Woman' on shuffle and repeat, like I could've stayed there all day. The dream like.
Their coffee is class, everyone there is so sound, and they have loadsss of vegan bits it's fab!
Alchemy is definitely the current vibe, a lovely lovely spot that you should defo check out if you haven't been there yet!

Have there been many benefits of taking a gap year from college?
Oh 100%, I couldn't recommend it enough.
Just to give a bit of background info, I was studying Nutrition in CIT but I really wasn't enjoying the course so I dropped out after a bit of 2nd year and took a gap year. I'm in UCC now doing World Languages but honestly last year was so transformative, I really had to question a lot of things and I definitely wouldn't be the same person as I am today if I hadn't taken that year out.
I have so many thoughts on education, especially in Ireland, but that's a whole other story hahaha, but I feel that everything genuinely happens for a reason and college can kinda be full of shite a lot of the time, like I understand its importance but I also really love seeing people do their own thing and loving life.


There we have it!
Thank you to everyone who had a question, I hope it was some bit interesting anyway haha, and if you ever have any questions / comments / anything at all just send me an email to or give me a shout over on my Insta!
I have 13 minutes until this post goes live, this is actually a new record of me being this late hahaha, sure look we got there in the end lol.
Thank you so so much if you're still here listening to me ramble on haha, you're class.
See ya soon for the next blog post.
Big love,

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